CD | Vinyl
1 Thirsty in the bathtub: 3:24
2 Ever changing heart: 4:09
3 One way streets: 4:35
4 Your love is free: 5:24
5 New start: 3:49
6 For you: 3:48
7 Piece of love: 5:24
8 Walking on one way streets: 5:23
9 Fall song: 5:32
10 Road to peace: 5:13
11 Undress me: 3:00
Olivia Trummer - Vocals, Piano, Wurlitzer
Rosario Bonaccorso - Double Bass
Nicola Angelucci - Drums
Fabrizio Bosso - Trumpet
Kurt Rosenwinkel - Guitar, Baritone Guitar
All music, lyrics and arrangements by Olivia Trummer
Except “For You”: music by Olivia Trummer and Nicola Angelucci
Recorded at Officine Meccaniche in Milano (Italy) in May 2021 /
Sound engineer: Giuseppe „Beppe“ Salvadori
Guitar overdubs by Kurt Rosenwinkel recorded at Heartcore Studios (Berlin) in May 2021
Mixed and mastered at Bauer Studio in Ludwigsburg (Germany) in July and October 2021 / Sound engineer: Philipp Heck
Produced by Flying Spark S.r.l.s. and Olivia Trummer
Supported by Initiative Musik gGmbH with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media
„Subtle and multi-faceted depiction of the world of songs in contemporary guise“
„Classe, magia, incanto.“
„Absolut hörenswert“
„Ein neues Album, dass die vielseitige Pianistin und Vokalistin von ihrer besten Seite zeigt. Text, Melodie und Arrangement stammen aus Trummers Hand und zielen sanft, elegant und doch konsequent direkt ins Herz.“